Pastor Enoch Adeboye
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Nigeria’s Money in Wrong Hands — Adeboye

Says wealth would change hands in the country this year.

Adeboye, stated this during the January Thanksgiving Service/First Sunday in 2024, with the theme “Supernatural Enlargement,” at RCCG Headquarter, Throne of Grace Parish, Ebutte Metta, he also said that wealth would change hands in the country this year.

He added: “Don’t let anybody tell you money is not in this country, just that it is in the wrong hands. This year, wealth will change hands, and the wind is going to blow on the naira.”

Citing the December 2023 Congress, themed: “Divine Repositioning, the cleric said after divine repositioning, the next thing was mountain top.”

He admonished the worshippers to praise God massively, seek wisdom to serve and stay connected in 2024, which was the key and three major things that stood Solomon out in the Bible.

To the saints, Adeboye said: “Long before the end of this year, you will know that you are on the mountain top. Some will start the year as nobody but before the end of the year, they will be somebody.

“If you do anything you can to serve God, He will not only reposition you, He will lift you to the mountain top,” the cleric asserted.

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