A tragic building collapse in Madabe village, Jigawa State, has claimed the lives of a 30-year-old man and his two-year-old son, officials from Buji Local Government Area confirmed on Monday. The incident occurred following a heavy downpour on Sunday night that led to the building’s collapse.
The child’s 25-year-old mother survived and is currently receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital, according to the council’s Information Officer, Ali Safiyanu. He noted that she is responding well to treatment.
The spokesman for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in the state, Badaruddeen Tijjani, confirmed the incident but was unable to provide the names of the deceased or the survivor. An investigation is underway.
The collapse is part of a larger issue of flooding that has ravaged villages in the area over recent days, displacing approximately 400 households and destroying about 1,000 buildings. In response, the State Emergency Management Agency has distributed relief items to displaced residents currently sheltered in a local school.